Sunday, August 28, 2016

Background Checking Before Marrying

 Stories that may have come up in the news, rumors spreading about these kinds of stories and maybe it just happened to someone you know. Someone fell in love and found their soul mate and they got married and only then they found out about their spouse’s past. A criminal record that has sexual abuse or their spouse has another family and kept it a secret.
Как-не-дать-ревности-испортить-ваши-отношения.jpgIf you had thought about getting married or you are already engaged, you may want to consider hiring background check companies and conduct a search on your soon-to-be spouse. Background checks are not mandatory. But if you have doubts and you suspected something about them that is not right, or you just want to make sure that you are marrying someone who they say they are, then hire background check companies that will help you find information on your partner. But you still need to know what kind of information background checks can give you and how to get one.
Kinds of Information When Background Checks Are Conducted
There are different kinds of information you might want to know about your partner. And to know this you have to hire background check companies that will conduct the search for the information you need. Some information is easy to find and some are not.
  • Divorces and Marriages
Was your soon-to-be-spouse married before? Did they get divorced? How many marriages and divorces did they have? These are the kinds of important questions you might be asking yourself and it is one of the main reasons for conducting background checks.  Bigamy might be a problem when you got married when your spouse isn’t divorced to his/her wife or husband. Marriage and divorce records are always open to the public and can usually be found in county offices or courthouses but in some places, these kinds of records are confidential and you or even background check companies are not able to access them.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Legal Aspects of Choosing Background Check and Background Check Companies

These are advice for customers to consult their employment when finding the right kind of background check companies.
Background Checking for Employment Purposes.
Almost all companies hire background check companies that will conduct some type of background search, which often includes one or m
ore of the checks like criminal records checking, reference checking and past employment verification.
Adverse Selection.
Companies mostly uses with background checks to check applicants, companies that don’t do background checking are attracting higher percentages of people with adverse kinds of records. Adverse Selection refers to these phenomenon of companies that do not use background check companies to screen and that attracts an applicant pool that has a higher percentage of criminal records or other will generate problematic issues in their background.
The Result of a Typical Background Check.
Conducted by background check companies and used to help show whether or not a person is telling the truth to questions on an employment application, which includes if they have criminal records and in what they stated on their résumé. Depending of the potential employer’s preferences and goals, background checking is both basic and comprehensive. On the average, 10 percent of the time, they add a felony or a misdemeanor on an applicant’s background check report. With respect to non-criminal searches, the background check may show discrepancies between the reported and real dates of employment, degrees and job titles.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Using Background Checks to Build a Dependable Workforce

A report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows a small increase in jobs are making our ascent a slow and painful one out of this recession. There are still so many displaced workers while the increase in the economic stability is creating jobs. If you are one of the employers who has abilities to hire potential employees in this market, you are very lucky. 
An advice will refresh them on how to weed out the ones with a less than desirable traits and histories and spot those who are leaving out or adding false information and in the end, may cost you a lot of money. If you are thinking of digging into resumes of potential employees, or hiring companies that offer background check services and to avoid finding the truth the hard way.
These are the facts to know to improve your process of hiring and build the best workplace for your business.
  • 53% of applicants list false information of their documents while some employees are hiding more than just a gap in their work experience.
  •  Screening and Background Checks Services can help minimized decisions that cause bad hiring decisions and protect your brand and company from devastating you or your employees are a possible victim of theft, death, negligence lawsuits for your company and cause of closure of your company.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Developing a Workforce Using a Pre-Employment Screening Software

Pre-Employment Screening Software uses strategies to get to the core of who you really are. And companies that are willing to pay high prices for it. Hiring potential employees with skills of integrity, excellence and teamwork can improve the environment in the workplace, build a strong foundation for the future growth of the company and gain customer loyalty.
Pre-Employment Screening Software is one of the many parts that makes the entire process of reviewing and evaluating applicants and their resumes look evolved and quick, call these application with its many names but they speak their “language” fluently so that employers can see if applicants are truthful and their resumes aren’t full of false information.
In fact, over 30 percent of applicants exaggerate and embellish achievements on their resumes. Even though resume pre-employment screening software programs will filter through the pile of false information. Always choose the best pre-employment screening software that will suit your needs.

  • Pre-employment Screening will speed up your recruitment process, with so many options on the market, pre-employment screening Software will help you go through applicants quickly and efficiently.
  • Pre-Employment Screening  software are always available at your price point whether you have a big or small budgets, so investigate your options. Some will offer online training while companies will offer just the software as well.
  • Always stay focused on your goals and follow them when you investigate Pre-Employment Screening Software companies. Profits will either increase with or without this extra feature.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Every Employer’s Tools for Background Checking Potential Employees

Diy And New TechnologiesFinding the perfect candidate for the current job in your company is worthwhile even when hiring takes a long time. Employers should know tools found useful like on how to handle screening, tests,background check companies, etc.
  • Behavior Profiles
Behavior is one of the most important aspect in the hiring process. All Humans are different and wired differently. There are mathematical equations created to know why and how humans behave in certain ways. Running a behavior profile can tell you how your potential employee will respond and act in a lot of environments. They are free to do and call tell you a lot of things.
  • Interview Tests
The use of hands-on tests is to figure out the duties and tasks for the job, this can confirm the potential employee has the skills that the company has required. such as if it’s a video editing job, have the potential employee actually edit a video. Score their editing skills and add them to the rest of your interview pile of data.  This helps separate the ones who actually knows something and the ones who only use their mouths just to get a job.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Different Kinds of Background Checks

Background Checks are the information that will show up when conducted by background check companies, which includes the Social Media Profiles, Records of Properties, Address History, Phone Numbers, Relatives, Neighbors lawsuits and criminal records of the person being checked out.
Background Check Companies. They are the ones who are hired by people to secure safety upon their brand and businesses. They put their time, effort, man power and other resources so that clients know the people they are hiring.
There are several kinds of background checks, they are mostly used to find out when an individual or a company has criminal records, embellished applications and even just knowing if they are safe to hire. Some background checks are used to save money and cheap, they take different approach on background checks.
Here are the kinds of background checks:
  • Complete Background Checks
Employers are finding out that it’s no longer sufficient to conduct simple criminal background checks to protect their status and assets. An applicant’s character has more than one facet not just criminal history but also employment, education, licenses verification, their skills, experiences and workplace attitude and behavior. Employers are recommended to conduct at least basic searches for all the staff and other additional searches for the needs of the employer and the applicant who will fill the position.
  • Personalized Background Checks
Fixed packages might seem ideal but in reality they actually mean that the employer pays for the kinds of the searched that is not needed and the ones that were actually needed. The best background check companies help employers choose the searches that will be included in their background checks. They find a way to meet the employer’s budget and needs.
  • Real Criminal Record Checks
Criminal Databases are so incomplete and out of date. There are holes in the coverage in completeness, time and accuracy. What, when and how information are included greatly varies for both the commercial compilers and the government reporting agencies. If any hits from the database must be verified with the proper jurisdiction and should be compliant with the Fair Credit Report Act and other similar state laws.
  • Comprehensive Criminal Record Checks
Records is in the courts are not shared. Each of the criminal records repository contains different types of record and covers different time periods, geographic areas. Some criminal record types and jurisdictions needs to be searched depending on the employer and the job position the applicant will be filling.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Knowing the Law When It Comes To Background Checking

The rules around background checks and background check companies are established by the national government of each country, subdivisions, states, cities and counties.
law.jpgMost background check companies are very familiar with the screening laws in the territories which they are operating in. If you are trying to do your own screenings on your own, you need to be careful about complying with the laws in your jurisdiction.
Fair Credit Reporting Act is a federal law that is governing background check companies and background screening. The act has many rules about bureaus for credit-reporting, such as the limit on being allowed to go back in order to report and check on an applicant’s credit history. You should still follow a few important rules when conducting credit checks, even when if you are using credit-reporting agencies to do your screening.  Here are a few rules to follow:
  • A written consent should be obtained from the applicants and current employees before viewing their credit reports.
  • A summary of applicants and employees’ rights must be provided by their Employer, which is under the FCRA before taking an action against them based on a credit report. Applicants can dispute incomplete information with the credit-reporting agency after they have been disqualified based on the negative information in a background check report.
  • You can do background checks by yourself but background check companies have staffs to research state laws and makes sure that they are in continual compliance. Background Check Companies has a lot of competition and has low prices these days; you are better off putting your ultimate decisions on a third party.