Saturday, November 12, 2016

Background Checks 101

Employment background checks revolve around information of people who can result in negative reports that have unfavorable outcomes for a lot of applicants. These reasons make legislation that will protect the right of job applicants and employees and make sure that the information revolving in employment background checks are both right and recordable.
business-woman-unhappy-with-mans-workA lot of employment background checks based on people’s names that can generate results that don’t even belong to the applicant being searched. The most common names are more likely to have duplicate or unrelated retrieved. There records taken out by comparing other identifiable personal information like the birth place or date of birth. There is always a risk of misidentification when there are billions and billions of people walking around in the universe. But rules still exists to protect applicants by providing ways to current any mistakes and dispute the processes and ways.
What is Fair Credit Reporting Act?
Fair Credit Reporting Act is the main piece of legislation that controls employment background checks, but this act applies to more than just credit reports. It has any and all information being reported to employers by the ones who provides employment background checks.
Employment background checks are also known as consumer reports or investigative consumer reports which differ on the type of information being searched. The act requires employers to take a few steps that include consent and notice before conducting employment background checks; the act also set the specific process and ways followed by employers when they take adverse action against applicants like denying them employment, promotion or terminating their employment.

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