Stories that may have come up in the news, rumors spreading about these kinds of stories and maybe it just happened to someone you know. Someone fell in love and found their soul mate and they got married and only then they found out about their spouse’s past. A criminal record that has sexual abuse or their spouse has another family and kept it a secret.

Kinds of Information When Background Checks Are Conducted
There are different kinds of information you might want to know about your partner. And to know this you have to hire background check companies that will conduct the search for the information you need. Some information is easy to find and some are not.
- Divorces and Marriages
Was your soon-to-be-spouse married before? Did they get divorced? How many marriages and divorces did they have? These are the kinds of important questions you might be asking yourself and it is one of the main reasons for conducting background checks. Bigamy might be a problem when you got married when your spouse isn’t divorced to his/her wife or husband. Marriage and divorce records are always open to the public and can usually be found in county offices or courthouses but in some places, these kinds of records are confidential and you or even background check companies are not able to access them.